SILL REPAIR PANEL / RIGHT = LEFT for Alfa Romeo GT 2003-2010
Perfect for any
first generation (937) Alfa Romeo GT owner, our high-quality steel
SILL REPAIR PANEL is a versatile piece crafted specifically for Alfa Romeo GTs made from 2003-2010. Its symmetrical right = left design allows for easy installation on either side of the vehicle.
Economical yet durable, the SILL REPAIR PANEL ensures both aesthetic appeal and structural integrity of your first generation Alfa Romeo GT. Restore the sleek lines and contours of your vehicle for the unbeatable price of 32.65€ (without tax) and 39.18€ (with tax included).
Check out the Repair Panels -> Cars -> Alfa Romeo GT 2003-2010 category on our Easy Parts website for more details about this
ALFA ROMEO GT 2003-2010 SILL REPAIR PANEL / RIGHT = LEFT and keep your beloved Alfa Romeo GT looking sharp and new!